Make it one in a row for Joe Biden.

Yahoo! News reported the former vice president the winner in the South Carolina Primary Saturday, over the more radical challenger, Sen. Bernie Sanders.

It's not a surprise, really: the considerably more moderate Mr. Biden was expected to prevail in this conservative, Southern state (on the Republican side, incumbent President Donald Trump was the obvious unopposed choice).

Analysts credit the ex-veep's strong support among the state's African-American vote for the win.

The question remains: can Mr. Biden, once considered the shoo-in for the nomination, rally his floundering campaign and take over the leading Sen. Sanders?

The "Super Tuesday" primaries are approaching; Mr. Biden should do well in states like Tennessee, Texas and Alabama. Virginia is also promising; the state's Democratic former governor Terry McAuliffe endorsed Mr. Biden Saturday.

More liberal-leaning states like Massachusetts, Colorado and the prize of prizes, California, are more of a question mark.

The bottom line: the Democratic race isn't over by a long stretch...

[Source: Yahoo! News]


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