According to the career site, Zippia, you're not working as hard as you should be.

The website ranked the 10 laziest cities in North Dakota and Bismarck was No. 8 on the list.

Zippia says in order to determine what makes a city lazy, they took into account the number of hours worked, commute times, the highest unemployment rate among other factors.

It can be argued that working fewer hours just means the people of Bismarck are the most efficient. Quality over quantity right?

I could write more about this survey but I don't really feel like it.

Anyway, here is the full list of the laziest cities in North Dakota:

  1. Devils Lake
  2. Wahpeton
  3. Jamestown
  4. Grand Forks
  5. Valley City
  6. Fargo
  7. Mandan
  8. Bismarck
  9. Williston
  10. Dickinson

Apparently West Fargo is the hardest working city in North Dakota.

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