The self-proclaimed 'water protectors' who fought to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline are screening a movie at the Tribeca Film Festival.

The 84 minute film, "Awake, A Dream From Standing Rock," can be streamed on April 22, Earth Day, at the movie's official website.

According to the website, you can stream it by paying any price you want but they suggest $5. Proceeds from the film "will go to an Indigenous Media Fund and a Pipeline Fighters Fund supervised by the film’s creators and a council of indigenous leaders to support direct actions, indigenous filmmakers and journalists," according to the site.

Josh Fox, an environmental activist and director of the film told Reuters, "The ambition of the film is really to get people to understand the issue and feel it in a way that's emotional."

Fox added, "It's really about pushing the movement forward. We also want to say, you guys did something unbelievable, and this is one way of giving a debt of gratitude."


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