An early Halloween decoration on a West Fargo House led to a false alarm with police.

The Fargo Forum says the spooky decorations at the Muhs household included the phrase "help me" scrawled in blood red on a window.

One neighbor saw the message and called 911.

Becky Muhs sais she decoded to get an early start on Halloween last weekend, putting up the decorations, including the "help me" message, before going out to dinner.

On their way home, Becky and her husband got messages from neighbors asking if they were okay.

The police officer who showed up to check it out told Becky that this kind of mistake is not all that ununusual this time of year.

Becky Muhs says she won't let the misunderstanding spoil her Halloween festivities. And as it turns out, October 31 is also the couple's wedding anniversary.

"It is my favorite holiday," she said. "It's been since birth actually."

[Source: Fargo Forum]



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