Moving into the new year, the US is experiencing a wide spread outbreak of the flu virus and experts are advising it's not too late to get the flu vaccination as the flu season is active through April, according to CNN-Health.


According to the CDC, you'll notice the difference between the symptoms of a cold or sinus infection to the flu. While symptoms of a cold can be headache, stuffiness and congestion, the flu will have more severe symptoms including fever, chills, body aches and as some people say it, you feel like you're going to die. The symptoms lasts for 10-14 days and the virus is active for this entire time. Here locally in North Dakota and Bismarck, many people are going to the doctor for the common cold or upper respiratory infection otherwise knows as sinus infection, my local doctor informs me that there has been very few patients with the actual flu virus.

The states that are experiencing the outbreak include  Alabama, Alaska, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Wyoming. According to the report, the term outbreak means" that more than 50% of geographic regions in a state -- counties, for example -- are reporting flu activity. It addresses the spread of the flu, not its severity".

(source CNN.COM)



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