Super Bowl

Liam Neeson Seeks Revenge in Clash of Clans Super Bowl Ad
Liam Neeson Seeks Revenge in Clash of Clans Super Bowl Ad
Liam Neeson Seeks Revenge in Clash of Clans Super Bowl Ad
Liam Neeson may act like a total badass when he's in movies like ‘Taken’, but he's not above poking a little fun at his new tough guy persona. The actor appeared in a new Super Bowl commercial for Clash of Clans and delivered a monologue that sounds as if it were taken (no pun intended) from one of his shoot-em-up action movies.
‘Fast and Furious 7’ Super Bowl Trailer!
‘Fast and Furious 7’ Super Bowl Trailer!
‘Fast and Furious 7’ Super Bowl Trailer!
A ‘Fast and Furious’ Super Bowl trailer is almost as much of a tradition as the halftime show at this point. OK, maybe not quite that much, but the past two ‘Fast and Furious’ movies have had their ads, and now ‘Fast and Furious 7’ is here to follow up on that tradition. There are a lot of car commercials during the Super Bowl, but this is THE car commercial.

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