For Ashley Madison, the dating site for married people, the day after Mother's Day is the second-most active day of the year for female clients.

On an average Monday, 3,000 women sign up for the service nationwide. In recent years, the day following Mother's Day has seen that number jump 8 to 10 times that amount, mainly due to spouses feeling underappreciated or unloved. North Dakota has its fair share of Ashley Madison accounts.

According to RoadSnacks, the number of North Dakotans with Ashley Madison accounts is about 24,317. That's a pretty staggering number given the population of North Dakota in 2016 is an estimated 757,952. The data collected showed the cities with the highest number of per capita Ashley Madison accounts are as follows:

CityRank% Accounts
Watford City210.5%
Minot Afb39.4%
Grand Forks76.3%
New Town94.5%
Devils Lake103.8%

As of 2014, the population in Bismarck was 68,896. The data from RoadSnacks shows that 4.5% of Bismarck has an Ashley Madison account, which comes out to about 3,100 people. Therefore, if that number is that high on average, the day after Mother's Day, that number could be exponentially higher based on recent trends.

The bottom line of this is to make sure you appreciate all Moms and spouses this Mother's Day weekend. Then, maybe you won't have anything to worry about.

Happy Mother's Day!

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