With the political season upon is, we'll be flooded with blue and red candidates and a dizzying amount of Republican and Democratic messages from each party.

That brings us to this question. Where are North Dakota's most Republican and Democrat counties.

According to 24/7 Wall St. who conducted the survey, the methodology was

"Based on voting data compiled by political news organization Politico, and a  review of current and historical representation in the U.S. Congress, 24/7 Wall  St. created an index to measure the political leanings of  country residents.

Now to the real meat of the results. The most Democrat county is ND is Rolette County.

"The bluest county in North Dakota is Rolette County, where Obama won 74% of the  county’s 2012 vote. While the bluest counties overwhelmingly vote for Democrats  to represent them in the U.S. Congress, Rolette County has helped elect both  Republicans and Democrats over the last 10 years. Like predominantly Democratic  areas in many other states, the county was roughly 20% white, a fraction of the  74% of Americans who identify as white. Also, county residents had a median  household income of $31,336, much lower than the national median household  income of $53,046.

I know we must be fair, here now is the most Republican County, Dunn.

"Dunn is the most Republican county in North Dakota, casting 74.6% of its votes  for Republican candidate Romney. From 2009 through 2013, only one-in-10 county  residents lived in poverty, lower than the national rate of 15.5%. Additionally,  84.6% of county residents identified solely as white.

Justin Sullivan / Getty
Justin Sullivan / Getty

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