Figuring out how you are going to pay for college can be very stressful. You take out loans, apply for student aid, and work to make it happen. One other avenue that many overlook is applying for scholarships.

Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway

Dr. Pepper gave away one million dollars in scholarships to students all over the country; you might find it surprising that someone with ties to North Dakota and NDSU was chosen as one of the finalists.

Students all over the country submitted videos to the Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway website; they were asked to explain how the money would change/impact their lives.

A Winner Chosen

A Minnesota State University student, Gavin Kestner, was chosen to compete with other finalists for different tuition amounts.

Kestner scored himself a $100,000 scholarship, as he made it as one of only five grand prize winners, according to KFYR.

According to the Dr. Pepper contest site, all grand prize winners were given $100,000 scholarships. Runner ups were awarded $25,000 and $2,500 scholarships as well.

One Of Our Own

According to the source, Kestner plans to transfer to North Dakota State University and study computer science and cyber security.

What a cool and surprising way to get a scholarship! If you're planning on attending college next year, maybe give this contest a whirl; they do it every year, dating back to 2008, according to KFYR.

Well Wishes

We welcome Kestner to Bison territory and wish him nothing but the best while on his academic journey.



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