A Look Inside Bismarck’s Spectacular Parade Of Homes
The time has come, the much anticipated Bismarck-Mandan Home Builders Association
Fall Parade of Homes!!!
This weekend, September 29th - October 2nd, BE READY TO BE AMAZED!
Tickets are available online or at ANY home on the parade route!
This tour is a collection of fine homes built by the people we know right here in the 701!
The Fall Parade of Homes showcases 26 Gorgeous Homes
Throughout Bismarck-Mandan
Waiting for you to call "Your New Home".
- In the market for a new home
- Considering building in 2023
- Dreaming of what might be the possibilities in this day and age
- Looking to renovate your current home
- Curious about new neighborhoods
Let us be real... There are TOO MANY REASONS TO ATTEND!
Tickets are only $10 (ten dollars), available online here at the BMHBA website
or at any home on the Parade of Homes route!
AND The ticket is good for admission to every home all FOUR DAYS too!
Parade Of Homes
REMEMBER! Since your ticket is your entry to all the homes, DON'T LOSE IT!
PLUS it also serves as your entry for PRIZES!
Thursday & Friday: 5 pm to 8 pm
Saturday: 11 am to 5 pm
Sunday: 12 pm to 5 pm
Parade Of Homes
Note: Children are free with adult admission.
One ticket is available for admission to every home on all four days
during the Fall Bismarck Mandan Home Builders Parade of Homes.
Plan your route, and begin making your dreams a reality!
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