Thanks to YouTube, commencement addresses are no longer just for the assembled graduates.
Stephen Colbert delivered the keynote speech at the University of Virginia's graduation ceremony on Saturday, and the Comedy Central star's blunt and self-effacing words have quickly gone viral.
Chili’s Waitress Fired For Making Negative Comment About Cops on Facebook
In November, Ashley Warden was fined $2,500 when a police officer spotted her three-year old son urinating on the front yard of her two-and-a-half acre property in rural Piedmont, Oklahoma. The cop was ultimately fired for issuing the ticket. But apparently Warden still holds a grudge against law enforcement, which she made known through a recent post to her Facebook page.
Rich Parents Are Using Handicapped Tour Guides to Avoid Lines at Disney World
The lines at Disney Land can be pretty brutal, especially during school holidays.
But it turns out if you have enough cash you can assure your child will jump right on Splash Mountain, no matter what time of the year.
Taco Bell Waffle Tacos Are Coming to Make You Fatter
Charles Ramsey is a hero after freeing three women who had been kidnapped and held captive by his neighbor for 10 years. The Cleveland, Ohio man has also quickly become a viral video star after giving a series of descriptive interviews about the rescue.
33 High School Students Were Suspended For Twerking
"Twerking" is the latest dance craze. And by that we mean Miley Cyrus is quite fond of posting videos of herself doing it.
But the administration at Scripps Ranch High School in San Diego are not fond of Twerking. In fact they just suspended 33 students for their own video of the dance, which they claim involves a female "shaking their hips and bottom in a bouncy up and down motion
Proof That McDonald’s Hamburgers Look the Same After 14 Years
On July 7, 1999, Dave Whipple bought a McDonald's hamburger. The Utah man didn't intend to eat it, but instead he wanted to prove that the burger was so pumped full of preservatives that it would look the same after a month.
Zooey Deschanel Mistakenly Named a Boston Bombing Suspect
It's hard to imagine 'New Girl' star Zooey Deschanel as anything besides a wide-eyed, manic-pixie dream girl who just wants to spread good vibes and quirkiness.
Which is why folks in Dallas must've been a bit confused on Friday when the local Fox affiliate fingered Deschanel as a suspect in last week's tragic Boston Marathon bombing. "He is 19 year old Zoey Deschanel," read the caption,
Woman Assaults Boyfriend For Singing ‘Thrift Shop’ Over and Over
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis' smash hit 'Thrift Shop' in undoubtedly a very catchy song. But is the ode to finding bargain basement prices a good song?
Therein lays the problem for many folks, including Samanta Malson of Longmont, Colorado who now faces jail because 'Thrift Shop' really got under her skin.