Staff Writer
Cop Helps Determined Army Vet Who Walks Miles to See Wife in Nursing Home
Here's a heartwarming story about the power of lending a hand.
‘Will Robots Take My Job?’ Is the Website That Predicts Your Demise
Technology is great -- until you end up on the unemployment line.
High-Voltage Power Line Catching Fire Is the Definition of Scary
Here's a terrifying sight you don't see very often, if ever.
The Internet Is Going to Town on Pepsi, United Jokes
Two big companies are in crisis mode and the public is loving it.
Watch Alarming Video of Passenger Being Forced Off Overbooked Plane
Flying should never be like this.
Parents Busted Selling 5-Month-Old on Craigslist for $3,000
A couple is in hot water for trying to sell their little bundle of joy for a big bundle of cash.
Boy, 4, Runs Like an Adorable Loon From Girl During Wrestling Match
When it comes to providing a laugh, this little tyke has us down for the count.
Hilarious Public Service Announcement America’s Drivers Need
This video is, ahem, turning some heads.
Woman Divorces Husband Because He Supported Donald Trump
Donald Trump's presidency has not only divided the country. It's also divided marriages.
How Much Will You Spend on Valentine’s Day? [POLL]
Jennifer Lopez once sang "Love don't cost a thing." Boy, was she wrong.