Tennessee Cemetery Has a Creepy Mountain Dew HeadstoneTennessee Cemetery Has a Creepy Mountain Dew HeadstoneTourists are visiting a Johnson City, Tennessee cemetery to see this unique gravesite complete with a bottle opener. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Rubber Duck Scam Targeting Unsuspecting Cruise Ship PassengersRubber Duck Scam Targeting Unsuspecting Cruise Ship PassengersCruise ship passengers who hide ducks on vacation are being targeted as part of a new scam. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Coke Releasing New Flavor That's Been Around Since Early 1900sCoke Releasing New Flavor That's Been Around Since Early 1900sThe flavor first surfaced clear back in 1905. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Is North Dakota Getting Rid Of "Right Turn On Red?"Is North Dakota Getting Rid Of "Right Turn On Red?"Attention ND drivers!Andi AhneAndi Ahne
15 Items You Absolutely Can't Return When Buying On Amazon15 Items You Absolutely Can't Return When Buying On AmazonMaybe you'll want to think twice before buying these items next time. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
In ND Keep Your Pipes Underneath Your Trailer From FreezingIn ND Keep Your Pipes Underneath Your Trailer From FreezingThere Is Something You CAN DoBromoBromo
Got A Speeding Ticket In BisMan? No Sweat ( How To Beat It )Got A Speeding Ticket In BisMan? No Sweat ( How To Beat It )Saying A Quick Prayer Might HelpBromoBromo
15 Chains With Loyal Customers Who Won't Go Anywhere Else15 Chains With Loyal Customers Who Won't Go Anywhere ElseA recent survey found these brands to be at the top when it comes to customer loyalty. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
15 Chains That Are Closing or Have Closed Locations in 202515 Chains That Are Closing or Have Closed Locations in 2025The list of chains that have closed locations or have plans to shutter stores later in 2025 continues to grow at a rapid pace.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
House Smell Like Nail Polish Remover? You Might Need to Leave NOWHouse Smell Like Nail Polish Remover? You Might Need to Leave NOWThe smell could indicate a much larger issue that could be potentially dangerous to your family. Rob CarrollRob Carroll