We know... North Dakota's state flower is the native Wild Prairie Rose...

Don't get us wrong, we LOVE enjoying them when out checking cows...

North Dakota, Prairie Rose, State Flower, Garden, Tigger and BEC, Ranch It Up, The Bend

BUT what about a state flower for the rest of the folks that are confined to their gardens, flowerbeds and potted beauties? Do They Not Deserve a state flower too?

North Dakota, Prairie Rose, State Flower, Garden, Tigger and BEC, Ranch It Up, The Bend, marigold

Our Dream Flower Checklist Would Be This:

1. Tolerates HEAT and the COLD: Early spring frosts to late fall frost, a flower that can last the "test of time".

2. Continuous Blossoms: One that's worthy of our time and money, blooms six to eight months out of the year.

3. Attracts Pollinators: North Dakota may be number 1 in honey production, but in recent years if you are like us... There has been a severe decline in those bees as well as butterflies and birds helping out the garden veggies pollinate.

North Dakota, Prairie Rose, State Flower, Garden, Tigger and BEC, Ranch It Up, The Bend, marigold

4. Insect & Rabbit Resistant: Nothing is worse than watching our gorgeous flowerbeds become devoured by the grasshoppers by August 1st... and before that we're fighting keeping bunny rabbits out of the veggie garden too!

5. Droughts: One it seems at times can only pray for so much rain, then it just gets downright DEPRESSING. There's gotta be a savior of some sort here...

North Dakota, Prairie Rose, State Flower, Garden, Tigger and BEC, Ranch It Up, The Bend, marigold

Have you gotten the drift???

Which flower North Dakota needs to make the state "Garden Flower"...

North Dakota, Prairie Rose, State Flower, Garden, Tigger and BEC, Ranch It Up, The Bend, marigold

The winner is clear! Marigolds!

North Dakota, Prairie Rose, State Flower, Garden, Tigger and BEC, Ranch It Up, The Bend, marigold

Marigolds hits EVERY SINGLE one on the musts list! So as you go about your fall gardening, pay close attention to what did survive this crazy last few months of "Outdoor Living" that you can easily look back on next spring and say...

Those are Proven Winners!... And should be recognized!

North Dakota's Most Venomous Killer Is Out

They Will Strike First!

LOOK: Stunning vintage photos capture the beauty of America's national parks

Today these parks are located throughout the country in 25 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The land encompassing them was either purchased or donated, though much of it had been inhabited by native people for thousands of years before the founding of the United States. These areas are protected and revered as educational resources about the natural world, and as spaces for exploration.

Keep scrolling for 50 vintage photos that show the beauty of America's national parks.




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