In an unexpected and delightful turn of events, the North Dakota State Fair has initiated the anticipation for the 2024 fair in Minot by revealing the first two acts slated to grace the stage.
Turnpike Troubadours

Scheduled for July 21, 2024, Turnpike Troubadours is set to deliver an unforgettable performance!
Lainey Wilson

It only gets better! The talented Lainey Wilson will take the NDSF stage on July 27!

The announcements, made via the official North Dakota State Fair Facebook page, have already sparked enthusiasm among fairgoers and music enthusiasts alike. The selection of Turnpike Troubadours and Lainey Wilson promises to infuse the summer air with a blend of country sounds and musical magic.

What adds to the excitement is the promise of more to come, as the NDSF Facebook page hinted at seven additional acts yet to be unveiled. The element of surprise has become an integral part of the fair's tradition, keeping attendees on the edge of their seats as they eagerly await the revelation of the complete lineup. I find it refreshing that management finally decided to announce early. According to their Facebook page, 7 more acts will add to the state fair fun!

With these initial two major performance announcements, the North Dakota State Fair has set the stage for a summer filled with fun, excitement, and a diverse range of musical experiences. As the countdown to the 2024 fair begins, attendees can look forward to the promise of more surprises and an event that promises to be a highlight of the season. Stay up to date with everything the North Dakota State Fair is up to by clicking here. The ND state Fair runs July 19-27, 2024 in Minot!

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