Teacher Allegedly Fined $750 For Filming TikTok Citing Concerns of Violence in School
A teacher has left the education system after being fined for creating a TikTok, highlighting safety concerns in the classroom with the increased gun violence in America.
TikTok user @galacticbeez created a "punishment unboxing" TikTok which received over five million views. "Hang out with me while I find out what my punishment from the Department of Education is," she began, and included "#TeacherQuitTok."
The ruling was seen in a manilla envelope sitting at her desk and was from the Florida Education Practices Commission (EPC). This board determines the penalties for educators who violate their code of ethics, violate law(s) or have professional misconduct allegations. Once the unnamed user opened the envelope, she was met with a red piece of paper. She was visibly stunned as she read the report. She kept repeating, "That's crazy!"
The letter explained that she was fined $750 and a year-long probation for allegedly creating a TikTok video regarding safety concerns at her school. She said in a follow-up video, "That would be more than half of a paycheck."
“There are literal educators who have put their hands on students and received the exact same punishments that I’m receiving,” she claimed. “I didn’t do that. I would never do that. What I did, your mind will be blown if I choose to share that with you."
In the second video, the former teacher shared that she was fired from her position after she made a TikTok video where she vented about how she was scared for everyone's safety after another school shooting in the country. She claimed that she was accused by the school's governing body that she revealed confidential information regarding their active shooter safety protocols, which she claimed was all on the school district's public website. The video, in question, is not currently on her TikTok profile.
The former teacher asked the teachers' union for assistance but they were unable to help since she wasn't in a union when the incident took place and currently can't afford a lawyer. She believed that the problem wouldn't be extreme after the school board saw what she posted wasn't confidential information.
“They’re gonna look at it and go, ‘Oh, she didn’t do anything wrong,” she believed. Now, she left the profession and her time teaching "sucked the life" out of her.
“You could pay me a billion dollars, and I would say, ‘No.’ I will not go back to the education system,” she concluded.
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Gallery Credit: Jacklyn Krol