If you had a friend claim that he or she had a staring contest with an 8 foot tall creature, you'd probably laugh, right? There's one man in Illinois that has shared a crazy story about an encounter like this, but I believe he's telling the truth.

Let me begin by saying that Jeremiah Byron with the Bigfoot Society podcast does a fine job of coming up with some interesting stories. He had a man named Brian from the Victoria, Illinois area share a wild tale of what happened when he and some friends were in the backwoods when he was 11-years-old over the July 4th holiday of 1972.

The encounter started off with Brian and his friends seeing a cow that was bellowing louder than he had ever heard before.

Brian - "What got my attention so much is that cow was bellowing like I've never heard...it was making all this racket...just about that time...from the other side of the hill it was on comes walking this HUGE creature".

Brian and his friends had never heard of a Bigfoot at that time with no internet around then obviously. All he knew was he had never seen any creature like this before.

Brian - "This thing comes walking out on two legs...it was striding just like a man, but it was twice the size of the cow...8 to 9 feet tall...and it was white, it was creme-colored...the color of a sheep."

Brian screamed to his friends to look at this thing and it was at that time that the creature stopped.

Brian - "It turned around and it looked right at me...I mean we were eye to eye looking at this thing...it was about 100 yards away...full front view looking directly at me...it would lean its head to the left and lean it to the right as it was looking at me...it seemed like an eternity to me...but it was probably only a few seconds...maybe 5 seconds 10 seconds..."

The creature then left to the same direction that it had come from. Brian and his friends ran away as fast as they could.  Listen to Brian tell his story and see if you don't believe that he at least believes what he's describing.

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Gallery Credit: LordExplores via YouTube