One ND Town Named In Top 10 For “Up And Coming” Cities
Tell you what, let's just keep this article between us North Dakotans...ok?
You know exactly what I am talking about - It's no secret that I am from San Diego - moved out here almost 11 years ago. The one thing that I have come to know is that North Dakotans are extremely proud, humble, and laid back, and the classic "North Dakota Nice" all rings true. The advantages of living out here are many - hey we now have an IHOP! WE all know that our cities are growing, and with that comes more people moving out here to take advantage of more affordable living - LESS traffic etc - One of our cities has been named in a category that might make some native North Dakotans nervous.
"The 15 Best Up-and-Coming U.S. Cities in 2025"
So exactly does "Up-and-Coming" mean? There are several factors involved in compiling this list - according to realestatewitch.com "Cities that were once overlooked as too quiet are becoming new destinations for Americans who want more affordable living. Thanks to the influx of residents, these cities are now bustling with new businesses, jobs, and cultural opportunities" There is ONE North Dakota city that not only made this list, but they were in the top 3! Here is how they came up with their picks...
..." To identify the up-and-coming cities most likely to attract Americans in 2025...
"We analyzed 150 U.S. metros — which rank 51st through 200th in population — based on housing prices, population age, educational attainment, unemployment, and more"
The number one city is...
Madison, Wisconsin
Check out number Two -
Fargo, North Dakota
Number Three is Lincoln, Nebraska
So there you have it - Once again, PLEASE feel free to keep this information to yourself - and keep North Dakota to OURSELVES.
Best scenic drives in North Dakota
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Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz