Burglars are getting increasingly high-tech, but police are warning that crooks are still using a simple way to break into North Dakota homes.

There's been a rash of break-ins reported across Bismarck Mandan of late and the bad guys and girls are using a simple old-school tactic.

It will literally take them 6 seconds to get into your garage.

It involves a wire coat hanger with a piece of 2 by 4 wood on the top panel of your garage door.  They simply use the coat hanger to loop around the hanging door release cord.  Then a quick pull and the door is released for easy opening.


I had a friend who recently had his garage broken into with this very method in South Bismarck.  Unfortunately for him, he had left his wallet and his son's wallet in the vehicle.  The thief took both their wallets and some other assorted items in the car like binoculars and a cell phone.

What's really scary is that this was done in the middle of the day and while the family was home.

Once inside your garage, this leaves the crooks with a scary number of options to get inside your home as well.

Here's how to protect your home and family, according to North Dakota Law Enforcement.

Don't leave the cord from your automatic garage door hanging down.  You can also purchase garage door shields that prevent access.

Police warn that the holidays tend to really amp up home break-ins.

More people take vacations and travel home for the holidays leaving homes vacant and more vulnerable for crooks.  However, even homes occupied by people are still sometimes targets for criminals.

Do yourself and your family a favor and make sure your garage door is secure to prevent a possible future break-in or worse.

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Gallery Credit: Annalise Mantz & Madison Troyer


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