Naughty Bingo Is back !
The Luckys tradition is back this weekend.
If you decide to wander out to Lucky's Saturday night, just be aware, you will not be the only one. The last time they did Naughty Bingo, you could barely get into the place. Now it's back this Saturday the 23rd by popular demand.
What is Naughty Bingo you ask? It's a bingo game wherein some if not all of the prizes are female friendly novelties. There are other prizes like hotel rooms and the like but the big draw is the things that women enjoy.
The atmosphere is pretty crazy as well, think a bar full of women, beer and... uh, cosmos plus all those hormones. Should be a fun night if you're a dude.
So don't fret if you can't get the seat at the bar that you're at every week, the amount of horny women in the bar that night more than makes up for it.