Now It’s Our TURN Bismarck To Embrace Brian Berry
It is time to reflect on our family, and all the little and big things that make us happy...
...AND with that being said it is ALSO time that we flex our "North Dakota Nice" muscles just a bit. I say this without a shred of hesitation when I know the love and power of neighbors, co-workers, and STRANGERS can lift anyone's spirits. A Facebook friend of mine has shared what her husband is going through, what her whole family is living with every day, Brian Berry has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Nodular Sclerosis. His wife Jennifer and daughters Sloan 3 and Lakyn 1 are of course by his side.
So is his huge family of siblings - AND Legacy High School As Well...
...NOW it's our turn, Bismarck
Think about this individual, and his loved ones, a whole school that has turned their hearts towards doing what they can to help -
"Brian’s Story: It’s been a long ride trying to figure out what has been happening with Brian. As many know, Brian is 33 years old, a husband (wife Jennifer) and father to two beautiful little girls (Sloan 3 & Lakyn 1). The past 2 years have been difficult. In November 2021, Brian tested positive for Covid-19 and has not been able to feel relief since. In January 2022, he was diagnosed with Long Covid. Brian suffered from extreme fatigue, weight loss (close to 40 pounds at that time) unrelenting headaches, dizziness, and brain fog that caused loss of his short-term memory (most of which he still has not recovered from). Due to these symptoms, he had been to countless doctor appointments and seen several specialists. Often leaving each appointment hopeless, everything was considered Long Covid. In June 2022, Brian experienced a new symptom of unexplained fevers that would come and go for two weeks. This new symptom gave the doctors a new clue into what was happening. A CT scan showed three tumors within Brian's chest. One tumor was sitting along his collarbone, one on his lungs and one pressing against his heart. Additional scans showed Brian also has cancer cells within his lymph nodes on both sides of his neck, the lining of his lungs, and his spleen. Brian has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Nodular Sclerosis. Although the diagnosis is not something anyone would wish for, it has given everything Brian has been going through a name and something to fight. He has been undergoing Chemotherapy and has completed 9 rounds of treatment. Brians road through treatment has been difficult to say the least. He has had to work through many ups and downs through his treatment including a negative reaction to his nausea medication given within his chemotherapy. The reaction caused Brian to have incredible abdominal which prevented him from eating and cause him to lose an additional 30 pounds (70 pounds in total since becoming sick). We know we are still in for a long fight. Brian and his family are confident he can overcome this disease and gain his health"
So now it's our turn, Bismarck - to reach out and be there for a family that needs a healthy dose of "North Dakota Nice" - OR "Bismarck Huge Hearts"
Here is what we all can do
Here is his gofundme page - just click on the link and give what you can - take a look at your loved ones real quick before you give - Bismarck, just know in your heart that whatever you can to give will be accepted by a gracious grateful family.