Complaints of 'Metal Wire' in Chicken Nuggets Lead to Huge RecallComplaints of 'Metal Wire' in Chicken Nuggets Lead to Huge RecallMore than 167,000 pounds of chicken products are being recalled. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Court: It's OK if There's Bones in Your Boneless ChickenCourt: It's OK if There's Bones in Your Boneless ChickenIf you find a bone, it's on you!Rob CarrollRob Carroll
SuperTalk 1270 Headlines April 12 2017SuperTalk 1270 Headlines April 12 2017In today's news: city commissioners in Fargo have cleared the way for homeowners in the city to keep chickens on their property.Jim WalshJim Walsh
ND's Favorite Game Day FoodND's Favorite Game Day FoodIf you're planning a party for the FCS Championship Game on Saturday, January 9th, you're going to want to make sure you have a lot of chicken ready.Matt BinghamMatt Bingham
Man Killed for Taking the Last Piece of ChickenMan Killed for Taking the Last Piece of ChickenThis takes the cake, or the chicken! A man is dead and another man is in jail for killing his roommate for taking the last piece of chicken. You can't make this stuff up. It's sad but true!Larry LeBlancLarry LeBlanc
Put That Sandwich Down — USDA Announces Major Chicken-Breast RecallPut That Sandwich Down — USDA Announces Major Chicken-Breast RecallPrime Pak Foods is recalling 24,000 pounds of chicken due to incorrect labeling that doesn't properly identify potential allergens.Kathy LandinKathy Landin
Enraged Man Beats Woman in Wheelchair for Eating Last Piece of ChickenEnraged Man Beats Woman in Wheelchair for Eating Last Piece of ChickenSome people have no clue how to treat the handicapped.Drew WeisholtzDrew Weisholtz