Newspaper ‘Speechless’ After ShootingNewspaper ‘Speechless’ After ShootingAnother day, and with it another mass shooting - this one involving a Maryland newspaper.Jim WalshJim Walsh
Bismarck Tribune Shows How Important Proofreading Can Be [NSFW Photo]Bismarck Tribune Shows How Important Proofreading Can Be [NSFW Photo]While reading your paper this morning you may have noticed something a little out of place in the 'Outdoors' section.Lauren BjorkLauren Bjork
Hilarious Typo in Bismarck Ad Makes Landscaping Seem Way Dirtier Than It Actually IsHilarious Typo in Bismarck Ad Makes Landscaping Seem Way Dirtier Than It Actually IsSometimes one letter makes all the different in the world.Alyssa FitzgeraldAlyssa Fitzgerald