
The Drone Bill Advances to the North Dakota State Senate
The Drone Bill Advances to the North Dakota State Senate
The Drone Bill Advances to the North Dakota State Senate
In the latest on ND's drone controversy (as reported here by the Trib), the state House approved a bill requiring a warrant for the use of drones in surveillance.  It now goes to the state Senate.  I hope the Senate OKs it as well. It amazes me that so many people oppose this kind of restriction of power; they say things like, "Why should we make the police just through all these hoops to do
An Age-Old Dilemma – Privacy vs. Security
An Age-Old Dilemma – Privacy vs. Security
An Age-Old Dilemma – Privacy vs. Security
Ben Franklin is alleged to have said, "Those who give up liberty for security, in the end get neither." Reason Online offers one perspective regarding the risk involved in reactive decisions: If the reaction to the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School is anything like the reaction to Sept...