A lot has been said about the state of North Dakota and how great things are here, but how does our fair city of Bismarck stack up against other state capitals? It turns out, pretty darn well.

In an article released nearly a month ago by SelfStorage.com, Bismarck is ranked as the top thriving capital in the United States.

Here's what SelfStorage.com had to say about Bismarck and why they ranked it number one:

Thanks in large part to the state’s energy boom, per-capita income here grew faster than anywhere else, and the drop in the poverty rate was second among all state capitals. Even though the unemployment rate was extremely low (3.2 percent) to begin with, it dropped even further (to 2.8 percent). Only one state capital (Pierre, SD) has a lower unemployment rate.

City population: 61,941
Population growth: 3.3 percent
Change in per-capita income: 10.1 percent
Change in unemployment rate: -12.5 percent
Change in poverty rate: -9.3 percent

Here's the rest of the Top 12 Thriving State Capitals, according to SelfStorage.com:

  1. Bismarck, ND
  2. Juneau, AK
  3. Frankfort, KY
  4. Helena, MT
  5. Baton Rouge, LA
  6. Augusta, ME
  7. Denver, CO
  8. Montpelier, VT
  9. Columbus, OH
  10. Boston, MA
  11. Oklahoma City, OK
  12. Richmond, VA

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