It's safe to say that YouTube sensation Frankie MacDonald has become a favorite here in North Dakota. His weather forecasts are nothing short of amazing and help prepare us for the worst that could happen.

Saturday, June 14th, MacDonald is predicting a major storm to hit North Dakota, which you can see in the above video.

Big Rainstorm is on its way for North Dakota on Saturday June 14, 2014 and it will bring 30+ mm of rain and it will be a lot of Rain in North Dakota Especially in Fargo on Saturday and it will be a lot of Rain and Heavy Downpours in North Dakota and the Low Pressure System is headed for North Dakota on Saturday Especially During Evening Hours and that will cause a lot of Rain in North Dakota and it will bring Windy Conditions and there is a Chance of Thunder and Lightning in North Dakota and You Better Enjoy Your Outdoor Activities and Outdoor Sports before it Rains on Saturday and People in North Dakota Be Prepared have your Rubber Boots, Rain Coats and Rain Suits Ready and Saturday will be Not a Good Day to if you have any Outdoor Plans on Saturday You might have to stay indoors and when you are going outside Wear your Rain Gear, Rubber Boots and Rain Coats and Don't Walk Through the Puddles Especially Deep Puddles and Avoid the Puddles when you are going for a walk in North Dakota and have your Umbrella Ready to keep you dry and it will bring Windy Conditions as well and if you have anybody living in North Dakota Be Prepared for the Big Rainstorm on Saturday in North Dakota and the Rain will Continue on to Sunday June 15, 2014.

To get all of Frankie's up-to-the-minute weather forecasts, subscribe to his YouTube channel HERE.

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