Bismarck High D-Men-Nutts Carry on Tradition with Hilarious Homecoming Performance
It just wouldn't be Bismarck High homecoming without a dance performance by the senior boys, the D-Men-Nutts.
The D-Men-Nutts have been around for as long as I can remember and are always a highlight of BHS homecoming. The clever team name is a play off of Bismarck High's dance team, the Demonettes.
The senior boys meet with the senior members of the Demonettes to choreograph and practice a routine. This year, Kiara Harper and Kennedy Benz helped lead the team. The girls even added a bit of their own hip hop routine from the year before.
Watch the hilarious performance above. The D-Men-Nutts will also be performing Friday, September 30th before the Demonettes at the Demon homecoming football game at 7 p.m. at the Community Bowl.
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