Bismarck Woman Wins $1,000 with Hot 97-5’s 2K a Day Contest
Brandi Everding of Bismarck just became $1,000 richer thanks to Hot 97-5's 2K a Day contest!
Ever think it's impossible to win $1,000? Think again! Brandi was in complete shock when she came into the Hot 97-5 studio on Friday, April 7th.
Brandi played our 2K a Day Win Cash Contest this past week and won! To say she was surprised when she found out she won $1,000 is an understatement.
What we didn't know, is that Brandi's husband lives and works in Texas. She has been stressing over how she was going to go visit him with her daughter this summer after she found out airline tickets were roughly $500 a piece. Brandi decided that the trip wasn't going to be possible... until she received a phone call.
When I asked Brandi what she planned on doing with the money, tears filled her eyes as she told me her plans. Hot 97-5 is so excited that we are able to help you reunite with your husband in Texas. Have an amazing trip!
Your chance to win $1,000 twice every single weekday continues with 2K a Day. Be sure to listen for the codes and enter them online!