You know the feeling, you see the flashing lights behind you, and you start to get nervous. You're hoping to be able to talk your way out of a ticket.

That was not the case in McLean County as the sheriff's department was pulling drivers over with some good news and food according to KX NEWS.

The sheriff's department teamed up with Panchero's restaurant to pass out free food to drivers wearing their seatbelts. It started on highway 83 near Washburn last week.

We've all heard of the deadly results from not wearing seatbelt and sometimes even getting fined for not doing so. The we've heard of the countless lives saved by buckling up.

Some drivers were even speeding, and they were given a verbal warning on this day. The sheriff's department in McLean County was doing good public relations, and making hungry and safe drivers happy, simply by clicking it.

The deputies have 20 burrito's coupons to give out anytime they want.

The Mexican restaurant hopes to expand the program in Bismarck-Mandan.







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