According to Ag Week, North Dakota Legacy Fund was at $6.36 billion in November and has many people pondering ways of how to spend the money. Some of the ideas include universal lunch, tourism sites, invest in our current school buildings, and many other great ideas.

In 2010 voters approved that in order to take money out it requires a two-thirds vote of both legislative chambers. The legacy fund is financed by the state's oil and gas revenues.

Landis Larson urged legislators to use the money to rebuild roads, bridges, invest in classrooms, affortable housing, health care, and childcare. Landis Larson said, “All the wealth created in North Dakota is the product of our labor and we deserve a plan that improves the lives of working families instead of another tax cut for wealthy elites and corporations.”

There's a lot of talk on how the Legacy fund should be spent and many people would like to see the state use some of that money. There's a lot of great idea's on how to spend the money. How should North Dakota spend the money?

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