It's about 2 years to the date that I had to do something all pet owners dread. 

Rick Rider
Rick Rider

 I had to put down my Yellow Lab just a few days short of her 15th birthday on October 16th.  Her name was Bridget and one of the sweetest dogs you could ever meet.  Her favorite thing to do besides chasing birds with her master was resting her head on my lap as I sat on the couch.

Rick Rider
Rick Rider

Bridget grew up in a loving home but had a very tough break.  I noticed when playing fetch with her and her sister in the backyard that she was never winning the races to the tennis ball like she did previously.

Then there was the time she crashed into the backyard shed at full speed.  It's amazing she didn't break her neck.  Then, when I would sit on the couch and toss the tennis ball for them to catch just a few yards away she would chop at it but miss it with her mouth.

My heart was breaking.  I knew she was losing her sight at only the age of 6.

The Vet assured me there was nothing I could do.  It was a genetic disorder.  That was little consolation.  She went completely blind shortly after that.  My hunting buddies all said I should put her down right then and there.  I can still hear "What good is she?"

There was no way I would ever do that.  She was so much more than just a hunting dog to me.

Years went by and Bridget seemed to adjust well to her disability.  However, it was very hard for her owner as my heart broke for her.  I could tell she would get scared at times because she would just shake for no reason.  I did my best to comfort her and make her feel a part of the family.  We went for a lot of walks and runs, and she really liked it when I would let her smell the birds when I would come home from a hunt, which she so loved to do.

One last hunt for Bridget.

Rick Rider
Rick Rider

One Thanksgiving I decided to take Bridget pheasant hunting one more time as I knew her days on this earth were dwindling down.  It was just a thrill to see her get the smell of a bird or two.  I snapped this photo of her after a pretty good day with my son.  It's something I'll never forget.  She was 13 at that point.

The next couple of years saw her losing control of her bodily functions and not being able to walk up the stairs anymore.  As much as I had hoped she could make it to her 15th birthday on October 16th I knew it was time to do what no pet owner ever wants to do.  She was in pain and it was clear that dementia was setting in.  Still, there she was with her head on my lap every night at the end of work for me.

Rick Rider
Rick Rider

Her last night day with me was a beautiful autumn day in Bismarck Mandan.  I took her outside in the front yard and just sat in the grass with her.  I brought her a hamburger and some french fries to enjoy a special treat.  I held her in my reclining chair holding back tears (not very well).  I then had her sleep in my bed one more time.  Her sister Callie was jealous as always.

The next afternoon we did what no pet owner ever wants to do, we had to put down our beloved Bridget.

This brings me to the point of my story.  I asked our US 103-3 Facebook fans if a pet owner should always be present when it comes time to put down a pet.

I was looking to settle an argument with one of my co-workers.  My answer is 100% you need to be there until the last second, no matter how hard it is.  He said he could just never do it.  I had another friend from Bismarck who told me when it was time to put his Yellow Lab down, he just dropped her off at the Vet and as far as he knows, she's still alive.  SAD!

Well, the response was pretty overwhelming.  With only a few exceptions, our listeners do indeed feel you need to be there until the very end.  I couldn't agree more.  Here are some of their responses. Thanks for reading and sharing the story of my beloved pet.  She deserved so much better.

US 103-3 Facebook Screenshot
US 103-3 Facebook Screenshot

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