ND’s Streak of Being the ‘Best Run State’ is Over
After being called the 'Best Run State' for the past five years, North Dakota takes a slight drop in 2017's rankings.
According the annual list from 24/7 Wall St., North Dakota drops to the 7th Best Run State in the U.S. in 2017. The list is determined based on current conditions throughout each state, which include finances, social, and economic indicators.
In previous year, the oil boom had been a big help with the state's ranking, but oil prices have dropped, which has also led to residents moving out of state. The recent census showed a decline in population for North Dakota in the past year. These problems also led to a significant drop in Gross Domestic Product.
However, thanks to having the fifth lowest unemployment rate in the country, the state remains in the top ten. North Dakota also outranks many states in key measures of government effectiveness. The statistics below show where the state ranks in key categories.
> 2016 Unemployment: 3.2% (5th lowest)
> Pension funded ratio: 70.4% (22nd lowest)
> Credit rating and outlook: Aa1/Negative
> Poverty: 10.7% (10th lowest)
Our neighbors to the east in Minnesota finished at #1 this year, thanks in large part to the fact that their median household income is $8,000 more than the median income nationwide. Louisiana ranked last as the worst run state. They rank second in the nation for poverty.
Despite not making the top spot, North Dakota still cracks the top ten, and hey, at least we're not Louisiana.