Competing, coaching, and even broadcasting, there are real-world career opportunities for gamers.  Which is more than you can say for a lot of degrees you could earn at your local institute of higher learning.

I've got a BA in History and Sociology with a concentration in Philosophy and I'm a DJ.

Sure there are Broadcasting degrees offered across the country but I just sort of fell into being a radio host and that's been paying my bills for decades.  Perhaps you hold a degree that has very few connections to your current career. So can we a least admit it would have been cool to get a degree that would have been fun to earn?

The University of North Dakota now offers a BS degree in esports.

I'm not being snarky, the BS stands for Bachelor of Science.  It's been approved by the State Board of Higher Education and follows an esports coaching minor UND began offering in 2020.  There are plenty of post-secondary programs being offered at state schools. Three Bismarck State College esports teams represented in the NJCAA playoffs in November 2021. Good for them!

Esports has been exploding with High School programs across the state.


AP News reports the new degree will be available online and on-campus beginning in the fall...

Both the esports major and minor are offered in College of Education and Human Development’s Department of Kinesiology. UND says the new program has a core focus in sport performance, but is ultimately interdisciplinary between kinesiology, public health, sport business, computer science and communication.

So for those of us, that would skip the occasional college class because we couldn't get off the couch that day because we were caught up in a game of Utopia on Intellivision, this could have been the course that got us in the classroom. Me, I'd just be happy if even one reader gets that Intellivision reference.

Probably not.  Bet you were a Colecovision kid.

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