There are MinneDakotans that love the snow perhaps too much.

I'm a lifelong North Dakotan that has traveled mid-winter many times across Minnesota's Iron Range, I know a thing or two about hating winter.  But I've also witnessed many a midwesterner that got quite a kick out of it.  Is it the bitter cold?  The impassable snow? The highway Alberta Clipper that almost had you going after your car passenger's throat?

Things get a bit dicey driving in a blizzard.

Fortunately, my girl Brenda and I can take some serious winter driving.  But, I'm growing a little tired of it.  Dangerous, really. The point a lifelong northlander, I have soo many winter stories I could share with you- but if you've been here for a while you have your own intriguing stories.

Scott McGowan
Scott McGowan

There are still those that thrive in wintertime.

I'm OK with winter, I've already had a snow rake up on my roof dumping hundreds of pounds of snow on places I'd already shoveled.  I'm alright with that because I get it. Midwestern winters can be uncomfortable. Unlike these folks, I don't get too excited about it.

But y'all got your snow so keep on enjoying!

North Dakotans And Minnesotans That LOVE THE SNOW!

There are MinneDakotans that love the snow perhaps too much.

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