24/7 Wall St. recently published a list of the unhealthiest county in every state. What we found intriguing was the least healthy county in North Dakota was also the least healthy county in the nation.

As Americans, we spend a lot of money and resources on health. This included medical insurance, diet plans, exercise equipment and gym memberships. 24/7 Wall St. studied the rankings from County and Health Rankings and Roadmaps. You can read more on the methodology here. It was through this study where the ranking for the least healthy county in every state was determined. There are many factors besides access to healthcare to determine this list. Other factors such as education, quality of life and environmental conditions also factored into these rankings.

Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

To our surprise, the least healthy county in North Dakota was also the least healthy in the nation.

Sioux County (Fort Yates) is the least healthy county in North Dakota and the nation. 18.3% of the residents living in Sioux County have access to medical insurance. The obesity rate is 39.1% and the unemployment rate is at 4%.

You can read more on the unhealthiest county in each state here.




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