This Weekend Someone In North Dakota Wins $15,000 For This Fish.

Maybe not exactly the fish pictured, and certainly, more than one walleye will be needed to win the big money.  But some dynamic fishing duo is going to walk away with one of those oversized checks for 15 grand during the North Dakota Governor's Cup Walleye Derby this Friday and Saturday headquartered in Garrison.

The city slogan is "Get Hooked On Garrison"

For that kinda cash- I'd be hooked. The derby started way back in 1976 as part of the region's bicentennial celebration and it continues to grow! Is it too late to sign up? Very much so, for years the Governor's Cup has filled up on the very first day entries are accepted.   According to, this year there are 252 teams that are taking to the big lake.

After two days the top 42 teams get some kinda cash.

According to Patricia Stockdill, there are team anglers with ages ranging from 5 years old to 91 years of age. They include the return of the 2021 championship duo of Ken and Mark from Montana. If you win, you not only get the cash but are automatically entered into the next year's tournament. Which could be just as important to these fishing fanatics.

New this year- aquatic nuisance species detecting dogs!

There will be a pair of ANS sniffing dogs not only showing off their abilities but actually sniffing out any boats trying to sneak in anything nasty attached to rigs. This derby is oddly enough also a spectator sport when it comes to the daily weigh-in. Anglers can possess eight fish daily but only weigh the five biggest.  Last year Ken and Mark won it with a whopper amount of 40.44 pounds.

In Garrison fun is larger than life.

Just looking online doesn't do Wally the Walleye justice.  Wally is 26 feet of fake fish on display on the north end of Main in Garrison. While you're taking pictures don't miss out on Big Gene the Golfer.  He's 15 feet tall and can be found at the entrance of the Garrison Golf Course.

Big lake and big attractions and the 2022 Governor's Cup is the biggest in the state!

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