5 Things People Ask You When They Find Out You Live In ND
I'm going to go ahead and come out and say it - "I believe I have lived here long enough to be labeled a North Dakotan"
Yes, I know...I'm not FROM North Dakota, I moved out to Fargo back in March of 2014, that's NINE years for those that are keeping track. I have experienced horrendous weather, black ice, and the wonderful feeling of slipping and falling, and have heard many ND accents. With that, I am also keenly aware of the most common things that NON-North Dakotans will ask you when they find out you live here.
1) "Does everyone OWN an orange jacket?"
No, they do not - the ones that go out and enjoy the hunting season do. I don't personally have anything close to that color in my closet.
2) "Does EVERYONE take off their shoes before they enter someone's home?"
Kind of sort of - yes. Within hours I arrived in Fargo, I was asked to park my Asics off to the side of their door.
3) "Are YOU Running From The Law?"
Hey look, just because I left San Diego, California where the average weather is about 76 degrees, 358 days a year, does not mean I am "Running From The Law"....ok?
4) "What in the hell do you do all day when it's -30 degrees outside?"
DUH, we join a nudist colony, of course.
5) "Does EVERYONE say "Uff Da" and "Don't 'Cha Know" in North Dakota?
That is false, MOST of us go around quoting William Shakespeare all-day
There you have it, IF you spend some time out here in North Dakota you will be able to relate to all of these.
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