Last October, it was announced that blue light technology will be installed at Bismarck intersections in 2018 to help police catch drivers who run red lights. The installation process has begun.

The blue lights are known as 'Omni Directional Law Enforcement Confirmation Lights' and will help officers determine when a traffic signal light has changed.

According to KFYR, the new blue lights are being installed in more than 100 intersections throughout Bismarck. The new blue lights are being funded through federal highway safety improvement dollars and will cost nearly $600,000.

Law enforcement officers will need to be in the area to see the blue lights illuminate as patrols will not be notified directly when a driver runs a red light. Bismarck Police Department Traffic Commander Lt. Jeff Solemsaas mentioned to KFYR that since the beginning of July, there have been 21 people cited for red light violations by the Bismarck Police Department.

The blue lights are the latest measure taken by the City of Bismarck to assist the police force in traffic.


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