Bismarck’s Emily Lang – “Eleven Months Forever In My Heart”
I had another chance to talk with an amazing uplifting young Bismarck woman.
Last year in November I spoke with Emily Lang on the phone, she was part of a toy drive, to help deliver joy to kids at Christmas. She did this with great joy and love in her heart, and quite frankly I was amazed at her spirit and upbeat attitude - you see back in October, her 11-month old Presley lost her life, she was born with a rare genetic order. Emily went through a parent's nightmare, as she and Presley were at Sanford hospital, a special ventilator was needed. The problem was that there was only one machine of its kind, and a young boy was on it.
"Your daughter is not going to make it"
Those words would collapse my world, I'm certain I would not have the strength to pull it together. Here is the part that still amazes me about Emily, while Presley was in her last few days of life, the 20-year old mother was asked if "we wanted to donate some of her body parts". The mental toughness and compassion it took for her not to lose her cool is overwhelming, I mean wouldn't you be frustrated that it appeared at that moment the doctors had given up? Once again, there wasn't another machine available for Presley?
"How do you say no?"
I asked Emily how she held it together, her reply was quick and to the heart. "I as a parent would be grateful if someone did something to help save my child" - and that is exactly what happened with young Presley. Some of her tissues from her small body were donated to a little boy, which saved his life. Due to the way that hospital policies are, Emily has no clue how old, or what his name is, she only knows this for certain, he is alive today thanks to her daughter, you see Presley "Had a purpose...." That's what her mom told me this afternoon on the phone, her voice was of pure pride, there wasn't a hint of sadness. Emily lost a daughter in a physical way, but never ever left her heart. Just recently she found out that the Sanford in Fargo will honor Presley in April, which is National "Donate Life Month". Emily is a wonderful person with a glowing smile and an addictive personality, someone who loves her life and is at peace. She and her daughter are the perfect role models for anyone at any age to emulate.
Today Emily Lang works part-time with kids with special needs
A perfect place for her and Poppy's Promise - Thank you Emily for your time today!
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