Floating Gas Prices From Bismarck To Minot
We all pulled our hair out when the gas prices kept rising and rising
Seemed like just yesterday when there was literally panic at the pumps. We went through a frustrating time watching the price of gas creep past $4.00 a gallon, and then like fingernails slowly dragging down a chalkboard, the pain became much worse as the possibility of forking over $5 a gallon loomed. Are better days ahead?
Suddenly we are noticing that maybe the gas torture is easing up
There you are driving to work, same route, same destination, you casually glance over and see the signs at the gas station on the corner "Hey look at that, gas has gone DOWN" - your blood pressure suddenly drops, and life is looking a lot better. I took a snapshot of the Cenex across the street from us - is it the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak?
In some places like Minot, it's cheaper to fill your tank.......why?
I read what someone posted on the Bismarck People Reporting News Facebook Group page and it stopped me for a second. This person talked about noticing that up in Minot gas was only $4.24 a gallon. Cole Harbor was just $4.14. Does anyone know why it would be that much cheaper just 60 miles away from Bismarck? Does it have to do with fuel suppliers? What constitutes each station to set their prices at? One person added that "There are many things that go into pricing beyond transportation costs"
So WHY have the costs of gas gone down lately?
The rollercoaster prices at the pumps have dipped lately, why? According to cnet.com "Fuel prices are tied to the cost of oil -- crude is responsible for more than half the cost of retail gasoline, according to the Energy Information Administration. The price of crude dropped below $100 a barrel this month for the first time since April" - On a personal note to the Cenex across the street - I'm available ANY time to come over and help change the sign to a lower number!
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