Whether you're a diehard Seinfeld fan or a follower of the "Drunkard's Almanac" the time, the date many have been waiting for is upon us. Festivus celebrated annually on December 23rd. What!?! You ask is that? Depending on the definition, regardless pop culture grasped the concept thanks to the TV show "Seinfeld". A holiday first aired on in December of 1997. The holiday centered around the George Costanza (played by Jason Alexander) family. To try to wrap one's mind around what is done on this day, is to simply reflect on the past year. It is a time of observance in which one explains to their family "feats of strength" along with an "airing of grievances" towards others around the dinner table that have disappointed oneself over the past year. A "free space" to air one's long list of complaints, gripes and major disruptions. I think we can all come up with another word, or two, for what we sometimes might call these sessions however this is a holiday where all is gotten off one's chest in one day.


Whether you want to celebrate Happy Festivus by watching Seinfeld Season 9 episode, "The Strike". there are other options to also add to the fun. How about shopping at Cracker Barrel? There's one in Bismarck, with "Festivus" clothing attire to enjoy the day 'in style'. Click here to shop the online store here too. Did you know there was a special drink, just for the Festivus holiday? Here is the recipe according to Drunkard's Almanac this is a "Feats of Strength Cocktail".

"Feats of Strenght Cocktail" Ingredients

  • 1 1/2 oz Rum
  • 1/2 oz 151 Rum (Lemonhart or Ed Hamilton 151 are suggested)
  • 1 tbsp Butter Batter
  • Top off with Hot Water, and quickly stir.
  • Garnish: Nutmeg

Click here for the full recipe on how to make the "Butter Batter".

Now this recipe does sound delish, we can't help but not see why one might not just go for something a little more North Dakotan for this holiday, one might say "Stay West River" and shoot for celebrating with Tom & Jerry's.

Regardless Happy Festivus on December 23rd.

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