I-94 Construction to be Complete This Week
The I-94 construction project, which seems like it began about the time dinosaurs roamed the earth, is expected to be complete this week.
The project began on April 24, eight days after Easter. In a Facebook post, it was announced that construction would be completed today (Oct. 24), and then the only thing left to do will be to repaint lines and remove barriers.
Hopefully by the weekend, all the barriers will be gone and normal speed limits will be back in place.
This will make travel much easier through Bismarck-Mandan... until of course they begin to shut down I-94 altogether due to snow. But we'll pretend that isn't a thing for the moment.
Let's just celebrate the end of the construction project and thank all the hard workers who worked to get it done. And of course we have to thank the community for driving carefully through construction zones and making sure everyone stayed safe through the entire project.