11 Biggest Reasons You Will Get Pulled Over By A North Dakota Cop
(This is a tribute to one of Bismarck's finest, Officer Clint Fuller who passed away recently way too young. His passing has left a huge hole in his family and our community)
I recently surveyed 3 of the Capital Region's finest Law Enforcement officers.
One with the Bismarck Police Department, another with the Lincoln Police Department, and the other with the Burleigh County Sheriff's Department.
I asked them a question I have wondered for many years. "What is the #1 thing a North Dakota driver can do to get themself pulled over?"
I had them each write down their top 11 answers and I tabulated the results. Let's face it, depending on the situation, and personal preference of the officer, some violations are considered more dangerous than others.
For example, if I were a police officer, and if you didn't use your blinker, that would be a Capital offense for me. I would throw you in jail and throw away the key. It bugs the living $hit out of me, that people think they can drive without using their blinkers.
Not only can it be dangerous, but you slow up traffic because of it, and it shows you have complete disregard for anyone but yourself. Okay, I'll get off my soap box before I get any hotter.
Surprisingly, the #1 answer for all 3 officers was the exact same.
There were some variations in the top 5 answers for the 3 involved, but overall, they were pretty much the same.
All of the officers asked not to be identified for privacy matters.
So, without further ado, these are the 11 biggest things you can do or not do on North Dakota roads to get you pulled over.
Hopefully, this will help you in the future.