Mandan Turning Utility Boxes Into Amazing Art
Hey listen, I've got nothing personal about utility boxes, ok? They just don't get a whole lot of respect
I mean let's face the facts when you are driving around Bisman taking care of a thousand errands, the last thing that pops out at you are utility boxes, am I right? "Wow honey, that utility box over there sure is a handsome one, don't you think?" That conversation I can pretty much 100% guarantee has never taken place - That will soon change.
Take a couple of seconds and look at the picture I put up on the cover of this article
Pretty soon you'll be amazed at all the utility boxes that will jump out at you with personality. According to mandannd.govoffice.com "The City of Mandan and Community Beautification Committee in partnership with AARP of North Dakota, will soon incorporate local art into the public realm by wrapping utility boxes along Main Street through the Art on a Box program. The call for artists, approved at the Aug. 16 City Commission meeting, is open to professional and novice artists of all ages. The theme for the program is “Life West of the Missouri” with sub-categories related to the people, history, landscape and culture of Mandan and Morton County" Keep in mind that art must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16.
So why are they doing this? Why all of a sudden the interest in utility boxes?
Simple, "The goal of the program is to promote civic pride, highlight the community’s diversity and promote a sense of belonging through public art." mandannd.govoffice.com reports, and that makes perfect sense to me. I'm looking forward to this and will keep my eyes peeled on the road and the utility boxes!
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