Meanest Obituary Ever Will Make You Shudder
Usually, an obituary is a place to pay homage to the recently departed. But not always.
A rather unflattering obit recently ran in the Reno Gazette-Journal that did not exactly paint the woman at the center of it in the best light:
Marianne Theresa Johnson-Reddick born Jan 4, 1935 and died alone on Aug. 30, 2013. She is survived by her 6 of 8 children whom she spent her lifetime torturing in every way possible. While she neglected and abused her small children, she refused to allow anyone else to care or show compassion towards them. When they became adults she stalked and tortured anyone they dared to love. Everyone she met, adult or child was tortured by her cruelty and exposure to violence, criminal activity, vulgarity, and hatred of the gentle or kind human spirit."
The obit was so vicious it was removed from the paper's website, although you can still find it and read on in shock.
Do you think the paper was right to remove the obit? Or should they honor the wishes of the departed's children, even if their tribute to their late mother is a bit harsh?
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