I'm sure you've heard someone younger than you use a slang term, and you thought to yourself, "What the heck does that mean?"

Of course, we never admit to not knowing the word because we must always look hip and cool -- two wildly outdated terms for you there.


Most Popular Relationship Slang Words

Crossword Solver found the most popular relationship slang words for each state by looking at local usage rates on Twitter. What it found was not only surprising but somewhat dated. Gen Z-ers would be very disappointed to see these findings.

Top Slang Words Overall

Cutie - Cutie is the top relationship slang word in nine states, according to the source. Okay, I'm not cringing yet.

Sugar Daddy - This is the most popular slang word in Montana, which only leaves me with more questions than answers. What is going on in Montana? Is that where the sugar daddies are? Good to know. *Me: immediately starts packing my bags*

Baby Daddy - Texas has this one as its most popular slang term. I don't think this requires a witty remark. I'll just let it speak for itself.

Bae - Not so shockingly, Florida is one of the only states still using the term "Bae."

Cutie - Minnesota and Wisconsin opt for cutie.

North Dakota

I'm sure you're wondering what the most popular relationship slang term is in North Dakota.


Yes, "Boo" is the most popular slang term in our state, and I'm sorry, but that sounds dated to me. We need to freshen up our love lingo.


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