You're not alone If you shudder every time your furnace kicks in. Not necessarily shuddering from the cold, but shuddering over the thought of paying your heating bill all winter long. According to the Energy Information Administration, you've got good reason this winter to fear your furnace.


Of course, the severity of the winter season has a lot to do with how hard winter will wreck your budget. I'm not going to play meteorologist and do something as crazy as predicting a North Dakota winter. But here's another set of statistics to show how your heating budget can blow up during a bitter winter.


With the rise in the base price of home heating, a colder-than-average winter can drive your costs through the ceiling.  Depending upon your income level that ceiling may already be mighty low. But there is relief available but this is the important part- you have to apply for it.  Through a federally funded initiative, you may be eligible for part of the $22 million that North Dakota is to receive through the Low income Home Energy Assistance Program.

Even if it isn't a record-setting winter heating costs will be considerably higher.

If you have a low income or a fixed income that fits the federal criteria you may be eligible for substantial assistance through this program.


Both homeowners and renters are eligible to apply for assistance. It could amount to thousands of dollars in assistance keep your home and family warm this winter. Learn everything you need right here at ND.Gov 

LOOK: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving

To find out more about how has the price of gas changed throughout the years, Stacker ran the numbers on the cost of a gallon of gasoline for each of the last 84 years. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (released in April 2020), we analyzed the average price for a gallon of unleaded regular gasoline from 1976 to 2020 along with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for unleaded regular gasoline from 1937 to 1976, including the absolute and inflation-adjusted prices for each year.

Read on to explore the cost of gas over time and rediscover just how much a gallon was when you first started driving.

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