North Dakota is the Worst State to Celebrate “Love A Tree Day”
Today is National Love A Tree Day. Guess what, North Dakota? We are in the absolute worst state for this.
You've probably noticed this by now, but there are pretty much no trees in North Dakota. Why do you think it's so windy all of the time? If you Google, "which state has the least amount of trees," Wikipedia will show that our state is only covered by 1.0% of forest area.
Another result of Green Answers showed this response: " The population of trees per state can be hard to determine due to natural wildlife being torn down to make room for expanding populations and new trees being planted in different areas. Historically, North Dakota is the state with the lowest tree population. Forests make up only 2% of North Dakota with the rest of the state being low lying hills and prairie lands typically inhabited by grass and small plants."
Unfortunately, today is "Love A Tree Day." How do you celebrate this in a land of no trees? It's worse than trying to find a date for Valentine's Day. My suggestion would be that if you can find a tree, give it a hug and thank that tree for all it does in the environment. Trees help to moderate the climate, provide habitats for animals, reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and can provide shade and shelter. And of course, reduce the amount of wind.
Do what you can to celebrate "Love A Tree Day" in North Dakota. It won't be easy. Go and hang out with your favorite tree and give it the love it deserves. That is, of course, if you can find one.
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