North Dakota, What Obsolete Items Do You Have? Here Are Mine
Every business, every office, every company, every employee holds on to a bit of the past. Who am I kidding some of us actually "hoard" on to a lot of the past. But it's my Dad's philosophy that still sticks with me-
"You just might need to use that again someday".
I am getting somewhat better at leaving things behind. But there are always holdovers. Before we get too far, I'm an old-timer here in the region. I've been radio hosting for over three decades with over twenty of those here in Bismarck/Mandan. For that, I'm grateful,
Thanks for tolerating me for sooo long.
But, like at your job, there have been so many changes in my industry over the decades. Technology moves forward and useful tools of the day are rendered obsolete by faster and more modern models. There are many remnants around our radio complex that make me reminiscent.
I'd love it if you would share some of yours with us.
I'll try to make this quick, so you can hit us with some of your obsolete office remnants! I know there's a floppy disc hiding somewhere in your desk. It's fun, because as useless as they are now- they are part of our history.
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