Twin Cities Bars, Restaurants, Venues To Ramp Up Requirements
On Wednesday, Minneapolis and Saint Paul Mayors dropped new requirements. In both cities changes coming on January 19, Ticketed events will see changes beginning January 26th.
Mayors Jacob Frey and Melvin Carter announced their respective cities would institute a proof of vaccination or negative test taken within 72 hours for “customers at all places people eat or drink” – noting it would include stadium events, but schools and hospitals would be exempt. An explicit expiration date for the mandate was not provided.
Note that masks are not privy to the provisions. Because the Twin Cities reinstated indoor mask mandates starting back on January 5th.
But you will need your papers. Are we still excitable about this topic?
Survivors in Minnesota's restaurant and bar businesses certainly have never been able to recoup the lockdown/shutdown losses. Is now putting policing customers an undue burden on their business? Perhaps, but so is the virus. Virus case increases are temporarily closing businesses across the country. Virus-related staff shortages are a mounting issue...to avoid a complete shutdown, Twin City governments have decided another mandate is needed to reduce the spread.
Nobody uses the word mandate anymore. Very unpopular.
The pro-vaccination front seems to be making headway into some of the more pragmatic portions of the population. But here's a portion of the Twin City plan that may find approval more in Minnesota than back here in North Dakota.
Vaccination/Testing requirements apply to all children 2 and above.
This from Bringmethenews.com
They apply to everyone that can be vaccinated meaning age 5 and up. A negative test will be needed for children ages 2-4. Anyone under 2 years old is exempt.
There ya go...your two-year-old will need a negative test to join you at a sporting event or restaurant. Actually, all your unvaccinated kids over two will need the vaccination or the test.
Keep in mind if you got events coming up in the Cities.
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